Lucerne: Municipalities adopt new high-rise concept
The 24 member municipalities of the LuzernPlus association have agreed on a new regional high-rise concept. If there is no referendum, it will become binding for the municipalities.

The existing high-rise concept in the LuzernPlus region dates back to 2008 and has been revised in light of the plans for the new centers in the core agglomeration, according to the association. The concept regulates where new high-rise buildings may and may not be built. It also defines how to deal with existing high-rise buildings and those used for industrial purposes. According to the Planning and Building Law of the Canton of Lucerne, high-rise buildings are all structures with a total height of more than 30 meters.
"Important in the whole process is the definition of common regional quality standards for construction, open spaces and shadowing. Likewise, uniform methods for the planning procedures have been defined. Regardless of the location of a high-rise building, all those involved receive the same framework conditions," says Pius Zängerle, president of LuzernPlus. The impact horizon of the concept is designed for ten years.
Even though the concept defines potential areas for high-rise buildings, it "does not claim to be a conclusive analysis and urban planning determination of high-rise building locations," as Armin Camenzind, managing director of LuzernPlus, emphasizes. As the approval and planning authority, the decision-making authority lies with the respective municipalities.
The LuzernPlus association of municipalities coordinates overarching issues for 24 municipalities with a total of 230,000 inhabitants, such as spatial planning and mobility concepts, and develops offers for sports, leisure and culture.