Basel: Westfeld redevelopment is one step ahead

The Basel government council has approved the second-stage development plan for Westfeld, the former site of Felix Platter Hospital. New living space for more than 1,000 people is being created.

Planned conversion of the Felix Platter Hospital in Westfeld (Image: ARGE Müller Sigrist/Rapp, wohnen&mehr)

The superstructure, with space for more than 1,000 residents, will be "a milestone for cooperative housing in Basel," the government council writes in a statement. In view of the steady growth in the number of jobs and the population, the additional living space is "most welcome.

There were no objections to the public display of plans, so that the government council has now approved the second-stage development plan. This lays the legal foundation for the realization of the projects by the building cooperative wohnen&mehr. Wohnen&mehr has taken over the site in building rights and intends to start renting out the first apartments from 2022.

Essentially, the development plan for Westfeld envisages a six- to seven-story development around a large residential courtyard in the southeast of the site. The old hospital building is to be retained; apartments and space for public uses are planned here. An open space in the interior of the site will be divided by smaller buildings open to other uses. A large part of the first floors will be available for commercial, public or community purposes. The development plan will also permanently protect the tree-lined promenade along Ensisheimerstrasse at the edge of the site. (ah)

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