Wincasa with new Customer Relations division

Wincasa is reorganizing its Key Account Management: it will be split into the Customer Relations and Customer Competence Center areas. The Customer Relations division will be headed by Steven Bruinsma from January 1, 2019.

Steven Bruinsma (Image: Clara Tuma / Wincasa)

The new Customer Relations department will focus primarily on individual customer development and consulting, while the Customer Competence Center will be a commercial and administrative competence center for all customer concerns. The reorganization is intended to improve the provision of services, increase quality and adherence to deadlines, and become more efficient by reducing the number of interfaces, Wincasa says.

Steven Bruinsma will take over as Head of Customer Relations, reporting directly to the CEO in this role, and will be given an advisory seat on Wincasa's Executive Board. Bruinsma has been Senior Advisor Corporate Services at Immoveris since January 1, 2018, but previously held the same role at Wincasa for four years. He is very much looking forward to returning to Wincasa, Bruinsma says. The company operates in an exciting and challenging environment between the market and customers.

Wincasa further announces that Ines Doherr will succeed Hans-Peter Näf as Head of Human Resources on March 1, 2019. In this role, she will also become a new member of the real estate service provider's Executive Board. Doherr's most recent positions include Head of Human Resources Management at Verkehrsbetriebe Zürich (VBZ) and Head of HR Consulting at Kantonsspital St. Gallen. The change comes as a result of Näf's early retirement on July 1, 2019. (ah)

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