Fundamenta launches real estate investment foundation
The asset manager Fundamenta Group wants to launch an investment foundation for occupational pension plans. The focus will be on collective investments and real estate services.
With the launch of the investment foundation, which will operate under the name Fundamenta Group Investment Foundation, the Swiss Real Estate investment group will also be launched, Fundamenta announced. The first issue is planned for the second quarter of this year.
The aim is to build up and expand a sustainable real estate portfolio. The focus is on direct investments in properties with residential and commercial use in Switzerland. The share of rental income from residential use should amount to at least 60%. According to Fundamenta, allocations will be made to existing properties with sustainable earnings prospects and to existing properties with development potential. The portfolio will also include investments in new construction and development projects.
The designated Board of Trustees of the Investment Foundation is chaired by Dr. Wolf S. Seidel, owner of the law firm Seidel & Partner. Members of the foundation board are Prof. Dr. John Davidson from IFZ/HSLU, Alex Widmer, Managing Director of HEV Luzern and Immo AG, and Daniel Kuster, CEO Fundamenta Group (Schweiz) AG. As representative of the founder, Kuster takes over the management of the foundation together with Thomas Hiestand, CFO of Fundamenta Group (Schweiz) AG. (ah)