Basel: Green light for overdevelopment on Bruderholz

The Studio Basel Bruderholz site, where the SRF studio is currently located, is to be redeveloped with apartments after the radio studio moves to the Meret Oppenheim high-rise. The Grand Council has approved the plans.

The SRF site on the Bruderholz is to be built over (Image: pressmaster - depositphotos)

The Radio- und Fernsehgenossenschaft Basel (RFB), as landowner, wants to realize residential space on the vacant, approximately 11,000 sqm site in the area of Marignanostrasse, Novarastrasse and Schäublinstrasse on Bruderholz. To this end, the existing buildings are to be demolished and replaced by new buildings. Plans for the development already exist, drawn up by the Basel-based architectural firm Morger Partner and Fontana Landschaftsarchitektur. The project envisages 48 spacious 3.5- to 5.5-room apartments and a large open and green space.

The necessary zone change, the establishment of a development plan, the change of the residential portion as well as the change of building lines in the area have been approved by the Grand Council in the meantime. It is still unclear whether the RFB will sell the site, transfer it in building rights or develop it itself. The Building and Spatial Planning Commission has included a residency requirement in the bill in the event that condominium ownership is created: At least one resident should reside in the respective condominium. (ah)

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