Lucerne region: new rules for the retail trade

The LuzernPlus association of municipalities wants to strengthen supply in the agglomeration centers and town centers and has therefore drawn up a regional sub-guide plan for the retail trade. It is now open to the public.

LuzernPlus has redefined the criteria for locating retail trade in the region (Image: mrsiraphol - depositphotos

Among other things, the permissible locations for shopping centers and specialty stores were defined in the regional retail trade sub-guide plan, and regional involvement was regulated.

Accordingly, new shopping and retail centers are to be built in the agglomeration centers and local centers. Outside these areas, it should be ensured that new projects do not weaken existing centers and town centers. In addition, the requirements for accessibility by public transport are defined.

For projects with a minimum net area of 6,000 sqm for shopping centers or 10,000 sqm for specialty markets, the Delegates Assembly of LuzernPlus must also be involved. The board of the association of municipalities must be involved from projects with a minimum net area of 1,500 sqm for shopping centers or 3,000 sqm for specialist markets.

The regional sub-guide plan has undergone preliminary consultation with the municipalities and the cantonal preliminary examination. It will be open to the public until May 23. (ah)

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