Glattpark: Offices are gradually filling up

Office space is filling up in many places in Glattpark in Opfikon. IGG Glattpark provides an overview of the latest leasing successes.

The Wright Place property (Image: IGG Glattpark)

According to IGG Glattpark, Glattpark is an attractive business location with a good range of shopping and catering facilities and excellent transport links.

In the Lightcube, the first office building in Glattpark, completed in 2007, Kraft Foods (now Mondelez) moved in as an anchor tenant and set up its European headquarters there. Although the company now occupies only three floors in the office building following restructuring, the total of 13,500 sqm of space - offices, staff restaurant and warehouse - is fully leased: Allreal will move in with around 230 employees in summer 2020.

After a long period of vacancy, the Lilienthal commercial building is also fully leased, IGG Glattpark adds. The anchor tenant is the Hirslanden private hospital group, which has its headquarters in Lilienthal.

In the superstructure of the Allgemeine Baugenossenschaft Zürich ABZ directly on the lake, there are not only 284 cooperative apartments, but also around 1,800 sqm of retail, commercial, restaurant and office space. According to IGG Glattpark, only 180 sqm of this space is still available about two months before the occupancy date. The rest is leased or about to be leased. The largest spaces are occupied by a double kindergarten run by the city of Opfikon, a private daycare center and a restaurant operator.

At Lindbergh and Wright Place, things are running a little more smoothly.

While the retail and restaurant space on the first floor of the Lindbergh commercial building on Thurgauerstrasse is almost fully leased, the leasing of office space is running more slowly, admits IGG Glattpark. Of the approximately 11,000 sqm spread over five floors, about 1,700 sqm are currently leased. The owner is currently developing a new office concept, which is to be launched in late summer and bring new momentum to the marketing.

At Wright Place, also located on Thurgauerstrasse, there are currently various interested parties for office space between 230 and 1,300 sqm, he said.

In Ambassador House 50% of the offices are occupied

The completely renovated Ambassador House on Thurgauerstrasse, one of the largest commercial buildings in Switzerland, which reopened at the beginning of the year, is also filling up, according to IGG Glattpark. Before the opening, half of the office space had been leased, it said. Sunrise occupies 17,000 sq. ft. as the anchor tenant, and another 2,000 sq. ft. has been leased by a coworking space provider. SV Group has been confirmed as the catering operator; ISS will operate the in-house conference center and Ambassador House Fitness.

The Air Center at Lindbergh-Platz has been completely renovated. It comprises 16,000 square meters of office space on six floors, of which around 9,000 square meters are still available. (ah)

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