Adimora builds apartments in Reinach

The Adimora Investment Foundation will build a residential development on a parcel of land owned by the Canton of Basel-Stadt and located in Reinach (BL).

Adimora realizes a residential project in Reinach (BL) (Image: ArturVerkhovetskiy - depositphotos)

The government council of Basel-Stadt has approved a building lease agreement with Adimora Anlagestiftung, according to a statement from the canton. This will allow Adimora to build a superstructure with at least 140 apartments on the 17,000 sqm building lease site, which is located in Reinach (BL).

As early as 2013, the canton of Basel-Stadt and the municipality of Reinach initiated joint site development in the Oerin area and drew up a neighborhood plan. This has been legally binding since summer 2017. The plan was to develop the site and hand over a project to an investor in building rights. Adimora won the tender.

The real estate investment foundation was established in 2010 and invests in residential properties in the lower price segment. It is managed by Pensimo Management and holds properties throughout Switzerland. (ah)

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