Thun: Helmle and SHS are allowed to build on Bernstrasse

Helmle AG and SHS Immobilien AG are allowed to build a six-story residential and commercial building at Bernstrasse 7 in Thun. A local resident failed in his lawsuit against the project before the Federal Court in Lausanne.

Befasste sich mit dem Thuner Rechtsstreit: Das Bundesgericht in Lausanne (Roland Zumbühl/Picswiss. Lizenziert unter CC BY-SA 3.0 über Wikimedia Commons)
Dealt with the Thun legal dispute: The Federal Court in Lausanne (Roland Zumbühl/Picswiss. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons)

The Federal Court rejects the complaint of the resident and thus supports the granted building permit. The legal dispute revolved primarily around the height of the building.

With the decision of the Federal Court, nothing stands in the way of the start of construction. As reported by the Thuner Tagblatt, it is planned for summer 2016. Helmle AG and SHS Immobilien AG want to build a six-story residential and commercial building with an attic floor for CHF 13.5 million. Fifteen condominiums and a 700 sqm service area on the first floor are planned. (ah)

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