Basel: High-rise project on the Heuwaage makes progress
The Basel government council has approved the development plan for the Heuwaage high-rise building. The Basellandschaftliche Pensionskasse is planning a replacement for the Steinentor high-rise.
The Steinentor high-rise building by Arnold Gfeller, completed in 1955, closes off Steinenvorstadt from Heuwaage on the site of the former city gate. The building houses retail, restaurant and office space as well as 41 apartments. However, the owner, Basellandschaftliche Pensionskasse, now wants to replace the building, which is in need of renovation, with a new high-rise. The study contract for this was won by the Basel-based firm Miller & Maranta Architekten.
At 74 meters, the new building will be about twice as high as the existing building. According to earlier information, the first floor will contain the entrances to the office floors and the apartments, as well as areas for retail and gastronomy. The second floor will provide additional space for retail and services. The second to the sixth floors will provide space for offices or medical practices, and on the upper floors around 70 rental apartments with 1.5 to 4.5 rooms are planned.
By distancing itself from the adjacent rows of houses along Steinentorstrasse and Steinenvorstadt, the building will look more like a free-standing, independent structure. At the same time, a new square is created and the former Hotel Europäischer Hof at Steinenvorstadt 75 becomes more visible again, the government council says.
In addition to the development plan, which the government council has now approved, a zone change, a change in the residential component, an adjustment of the noise sensitivity levels, line changes and a land swap with the canton are also necessary, according to the statement. Two objections have been received against the planning measures, according to the government council. The Grand Council is being asked to reject them. (ah)