New anchor shareholder at Admicasa Holding

Markus von Gunten is the new anchor shareholder of real estate holding company Admicasa. He is taking over the shares of the previous major shareholder Beat Frischknecht.

New major shareholder at Admicasa (Image: stockasso - depositphotos)

At the beginning of September 2020, Admicasa Holding acquired the Zurich-based construction management company von Gunten, now its former owner Markus von Gunten will become Admicasa's new anchor shareholder. To this end, he took over the shares amounting to 27% from Beat Frischknecht on 7 September 2020. SJA Holding AG, owned by real estate investor Serge Aerne, remains the largest shareholder. SJA holds around 32% of the shares.

Frischknecht wants to concentrate on other investments after the going private of his BFW properties, Admicasa informs. Nevertheless, he will remain closely associated with the group as a client: Admicasa will continue to be responsible for property management, financial control management of BFW Liegenschaften.

Markus von Gunten says he wants to use his network and experience in construction management to expand Admicasa into a centre of excellence for real estate. Majority shareholder SJA Holding says it intends to increase its stake over the next 48 months. (ah)

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