Emmen: Residential development planned at Emmenbrücke railway station
In the Lucerne suburb of Emmen, the Emmenbaum neighborhood is to be developed and densified. Around 3,000 square meters of commercial and service space and about 120 apartments are planned.
The Emmenbaum Nord perimeter belongs to five landowners who want to develop the area to a high standard together with the municipality of Emmen. A development plan is now to be drawn up for the narrow triangle between Bahnhofstrasse and Gerliswilstrasse on the basis of an indicative project. The process was launched in June this year and, according to the municipality, will be completed in 2022 at the earliest.
The indicative project envisages six almost 30-meter-high structures with an alley-like structure in their center. Around 3,000 square meters are earmarked for commercial and service space, and around 120 apartments are also to be built. The superstructure will have a common parking garage, which will be accessed via Bahnhofstrasse.
Due to the high urban density, the outdoor spaces will be limited; this is to be compensated for by garden terraces on the basement floors that can be used collectively. Wide walking areas, rows of trees and public-oriented ground-floor uses in the street space are intended to increase the quality of stay in the development.