Lucerne: Neubad site to be built over

Starting in 2025, the city of Lucerne wants to give away the land on Bireggstrasse and Kleinmattstrasse, where the Neubad and the fire department are currently located, under building rights. A low-car 2,000-watt housing estate is to be created.

Lucerne (Image: olgysha - depositphotos)

According to plans drawn up by the city of Lucerne, around 185 apartments are to be built on the 6,300-square-meter site. The Allgemeine Baugenossenschaft Luzern (ABL), which already owns housing estates in the immediate vicinity of the site, has already expressed interest.

However, the tender is not scheduled until 2023, several local media reported, including Centralplus. The city therefore expects other interested parties in addition to ABL, since the site is large and central. The concrete specifications for the development of the site have not yet been determined. They will only be determined in the run-up to the tender.

It is clear, however, that a design plan is mandatory for the site. The aim is to achieve certification as a 2,000-watt site, as well as low-carbon living (less than 0.5 parking spaces per apartment) and a good social mix. Furthermore, the development should have, among other things, public-oriented uses and a neighborhood square.

The site is currently occupied by the Neubad - the interim use of the former Lucerne indoor swimming pool - and the old fire department depot. It will be vacated because the fire department is expected to move into its new headquarters in the planned EWL development between Industriestrasse and Geissensteinring in 2025. (ah)

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