Basel: Rhenus modernizes logistics complex on Ostquai

Rhenus Port Logistics AG can further develop its silo and warehouse buildings on Ostquai in Basel.

View from the Dreiländerbrücke over the harbor of Basel to the Roche Tower (Andreas Schwarzkopf, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons)

The canton of Basel-Stadt, the Swiss Rhine ports and Rhenus Port Logistics AG as an important user are in the process of developing a future perspective for the Rhine port of Kleinhüningen. Now the canton and Rhenus have agreed on the preservation of the silo complex at Hafenstrasse 19 on Ostquai, which is significant in terms of monument preservation. Parts of the complex will be placed under a preservation order.

In return, Rhenus can replace the existing buildings at Hafenstrasse 9 and 13 with a new building. This will enable the company to modernize the areas that have become economically unviable. (ah)

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