Victorinox puts new distribution center into operation

Victorinox has built a new distribution center in Seewen. The company is thus centralizing 17 warehouse locations in Switzerland and Europe.

The new Victorinox distribution center in Seewen (KEYSTONE/Christian Beutler)

Victorinox says it has invested around CHF 50 million in the European Distribution Center in Seewen (SZ). The logistics center has its own rail siding and comprises a building volume of 173,000 m3 on three floors. It houses a fully automated small parts warehouse with space for 38,500 containers, a semi-automated high-bay warehouse with 9,500 pallet spaces, and a raw materials warehouse in the basement, where around 3,000 tons of material, including steel and plastics, are stored. According to the company, more than 40 million products per year can be shipped from the distribution center when capacity utilization is good.

At the site in Seewen in the Schwyz basin, Victorinox is centralizing its 17 different warehouse locations in Switzerland and Europe. In the region itself, six regional external warehouses will be merged. (ah)

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