CS 1a Immo PK to go public

Credit Suisse 1a Immo PK is to be listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange in the future. The listing is planned for the second quarter of 2022.

The real estate fund CS 1a Immo PK is to be listed on the stock exchange in the future (Image: Alexmit - depositphotos)

In recent months, the fund management company has examined whether the current over-the-counter trading of Credit Suisse 1a Immo PK still meets client needs, Credit Suisse Asset Management said. In addition to listing the fund, which was the final decision, it also considered converting it into a NAV-based real estate fund and maintaining the status quo.

The first steps to adapt the fund structure have been initiated, the statement continues. Provided all necessary approvals are granted, the expansion of the investor base to include non-qualified investors and the listing on the SIX Swiss Exchange is planned for the second quarter of 2022.

According to the semi-annual report of CS 1a Immo PK (as of March 31, 2021), the fund's rental income increased by 2.7% and net income by 4.6% year-on-year. The distribution ratio is set at below 100% in the current fiscal year, the fund management announced. In the previous year it was 118.2%. (ah)

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