Muttenz: Mettler2Invest plans new quarter
For the sites of the former furniture store Hubacher and the former racecourse clinic, Mettler2Invest wants to develop a neighborhood plan together with the municipality of Muttenz, writes the "Basellandschaftliche Zeitung".
According to the newspaper report, the areas at the corner of St. Jakobsstrasse and Birsstrasse are to be used primarily for apartments. Along St. Jakobs-Strasse, there is to be space for commerce. A competition is currently underway, with five architectural firms working on the project. By January, they are to have developed a utilization concept as the basis for the neighborhood plan.
The municipality is aiming for a single neighborhood plan for both sites, which will be implemented with a time lag. This is because the student house in the former racecourse clinic will still exist for around ten years. On the site of the former furniture store, on the other hand, Mettler2Invest wants to build as soon as possible.
How the Basellandschaftliche Newspaper writes, local councillor Thomi Jourdan (EVP) would like to see a mix of different types of housing on the site, for example for students and older people. No large-scale distributors should move into the commercial areas, says Jourdan: "We think there are already enough of them in the neighborhood." (ah)