Tivoli Garden: Migros Aare clarifies controversial parking space issue
Migros Aare has submitted a new, extended environmental impact report for the major Tivoli-Garten project in Spreitenbach to the Canton of Aargau for a preliminary review. This had become necessary after the Swiss Transport Club (VCS) won a victory in the long-running legal dispute over the construction project before the Federal Court.

The Tivoli Garden is to be built next to Shoppi Tivoli. The development, designed by Harder Haas Partner, will comprise two up to 20-storey high-rise buildings with a total of 422 rental apartments of various sizes; the first floor will house the Limmattalbahn stop and an Obi DIY store. The overall opening is planned for 2021.
The project has been delayed for years due to a legal dispute over the size of the perimeter for the necessary environmental impact report. In the view of the VCS, Migros Aare, as the project developer, planned too many parking spaces. For the future number of parking spaces in the Tivoli Garden, the existing parking garages of the Shoppi Tivoli, the Umweltarena and the Limmatpark should also be included in the count, argued the VCS and took the matter all the way to the Federal Supreme Court. With success: the municipality of Spreitenbach must reissue the design plan and the environmental impact assessment for the construction project, the highest court ruled in February.
Migros has therefore drawn up a new, extended environmental impact report. The people of Spreitenbach can now have their say on the design plan for the next 30 days. If no further appeals are received, Migros Aare expects to receive planning permission next year, with construction starting in 2018 and the Tivoli Gardens opening in 2021. (ah)