Lucerne: City seeks investor for Bodenhof site
The city of Lucerne wants to give away the Bodenhof site in Littauerboden under building rights. Production, commercial or service companies are to settle there.
The City of Lucerne would like to transfer the 11,130 sqm site in the Bodenhof industrial estate under building rights by 2024. It acquired the site as a strategic land reserve in 2013. The city hopes to attract businesses in manufacturing, trade and services. According to a volume study, a gross floor area of about 25,000 sqm is possible on the site. Buildings with flexible floor plans could be created that are suitable for both commercial and office space, the city says.
According to the city of Lucerne, the land value appraisal has resulted in a land value of CHF 7.96 million, which according to the city's interest calculation results in a minimum annual building lease interest of CHF 218,900. Interested parties can submit an offer for the building lease interest and a development concept until the end of August 2022. (ah)