Basel: Residential development in the Gellert district

The Bethesda Diaconate Foundation is planning a development of 120 apartments on a reserve of land in Basel's Gellert district. The development is being built on the edge of the Bethesda Hospital parkland near Scherkesselweg.

Generationenwohnen: Stiftung Diakonat Bethesda plant eine Überbauung in Basel (Visualisierung: Stiftung Diakonat Bethesda)
Intergenerational living: Diakonat Bethesda Foundation is planning a development in Basel (Visualization: Diakonat Bethesda Foundation)

The development plan for the project has been open to the public since June 1. The project, called "Ensemble", consists of four buildings designed by Basel architects Itten & Brechbühl.

While the northern part of the site with three point houses is intended for intergenerational living, a large building adjacent to the Gellert-Hof retirement center will house retirement apartments. These will be rented out with freely selectable service packages, and care services can also be provided if required. A health center is to be set up on the first floor of the building.

The foundation writes in a press release that it is aiming for affordable rents and is also examining alternative models to traditional renting for senior citizens. (ah)

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