Rothschild fund invests in Germany

The Edmond de Rothschild Euro Industrial Real Estate Fund (EIREF) has expanded its portfolio and acquired two commercial properties in Germany.

The real estate fund EIREF has acquired this property in Baden-Baden (© Edmond de Rothschild)

According to Edmond de Rothschild REIM, one of the properties is located at Flugstrasse 8, 10 and 10a in Baden-Baden. It is a light industrial property with 12,300 sqm, which was built in 2005/2010 and has a WALT of 3.1 years. The seller was the Munitor Group, with Laren Consulting acting as intermediary.

The second property is a small logistics hall at Kesselflickerstrasse 12 in Elmenhorst near Hamburg. The hall has an area of 8,200 sqm and dates from 2001. The WALT is reportedly 2.5 years. The seller of the property was Vivet Capital Unternehmensgruppe; JLL acted in an advisory capacity.

According to Alfred Garbe, Head of Germany at Edmond de Rothschild REIM, further acquisitions in Germany are planned for the Euro Industrial Real Estate Fund (EIREF) this year, and further offers are already being examined. The fund was launched at the end of 2018 and invests in light industrial and small logistics properties in metropolitan areas in the Benelux countries, Germany and France. (ah)

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