APK transfers real estate portfolio to Turidomus investment foundation

Real estate of the Aargau pension fund worth CHF 800 million goes to investment groups of Pensimo. The real estate manager Regimo is growing in Aargau as a result.

APK contributes the Behmen residential and commercial building and other real estate to the Turidomus investment foundation (Image: APK)

The Aargauische Pensionskasse (APK) has transferred its real estate portfolio to investment groups of Pensimo. The properties, valued at CHF 800 million, were contributed at the beginning of July to the Casareal, Proreal and Urban & Mixed-use investment groups, which belong to the Turidomus investment foundation managed by Pensimo. Through the contribution in kind of the real estate, APK will in future have the opportunity to participate as a shareholder in Pensimo Management. According to the APK, the deal brings advantages for both sides: Turidomus has so far tended to be underinvested in the canton of Aargau and can thus significantly expand its portfolio in the region. In return, APK has the opportunity to better diversify its real estate portfolio nationwide.

With the transfer of the APK real estate portfolio, the Regimo Group is expanding its presence with a new central location in Aarau. The newly founded Regimo Aarau, a 100%ige subsidiary of Pensimo Management, will take over APK's previous management team and will be responsible, among other things, for the management of APK. (aw)


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