Basel: Laying of the foundation stone for Meret Oppenheim high-rise building

On June 24, the foundation stone was laid for SBB Immobilien's new project, the Meret Oppenheim high-rise (MOH), at Basel's SBB station.

Grundsteinlegung für das Meret-Oppenheim-Hochhaus (Visualisierung: © SBB CFF FFS)
Laying of the foundation stone for the Meret Oppenheim high-rise (Visualization: © SBB CFF FFS)

By the end of 2018, an 80-meter-high building with 25 floors and over 25,200 square meters of usable space will be built according to the plans of the renowned architectural firm Herzog & de Meuron. HRS Real Estate AG has been commissioned as the total contractor.

The first floor will house a tibits Restaurant Bar Take Away with a large terrace. The three floors above will be the new home of the SRF Studio Basel. Office space on the 4th and 5th floors is still available. In the high-rise area, 153 apartments and lofts are being built.

The skyscraper is named after the artist Meret Oppenheim, who is associated with Basel and after whom the square and street adjacent to the new skyscraper are already named.

Jürg Stöckli, Head of SBB Real Estate, emphasized the importance of this challenging project for SBB in his speech at the laying of the foundation stone. In close dependence on the construction of the MOH, SBB will upgrade Meret-Oppenheim-Platz into an attractive meeting zone with trees and seating by 2019. In the future, the square will be the connecting element between the high-rise building, the Passerelle and the neighborhood.

Construction work on the new central logistics delivery for Basel SBB station has already been underway since fall 2015. Between the MOH and Basel SBB station, 4,500 square meters of usable space with ten docking stations for trucks and delivery vehicles are being built underground to handle the goods transshipment of the major station with more than 130,000 passengers daily.

Back in 2011, the SBB opened the Südpark building, also designed by Herzog & de Meuron, on the neighboring Südpark D development site. It houses the Atlas Foundation retirement home and the largest Coop store in Basel City. (ah)

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