PSP increases net profit in the 1st quarter

The company's operating result improved slightly and net profit even improved considerably as a result of revaluations. The EBITDA forecast has been raised slightly.

PSP Swiss Property Quartalszahlen
PSP has presented its quarterly figures (Image: depositphotos)

At PSP Swiss Property, an internal value analysis led to a revaluation of CHF 31.2 million in the first quarter. "The revaluation was based on property-specific factors for the Zurich properties Bahnhofstrasse 28a/Waaggasse 6, Bahnhofstrasse 66 and Waisenhausstrasse 2,4/Bahnhofquai 7 as well as the Basel development property Hochstrasse 16/Pfeffingerstrasse 5", according to a statement. Real estate income rose by CHF 8.0 million or 9.9% to CHF 89.2 million. This was due to the "Westpark" office property in Zurich West, which was acquired in mid-2023, with an increase of CHF 2.2 million, as well as the turnover rent of a single tenant with an increase of CHF 1.3 million, a one-off effect of CHF 1.3 million and indexations of CHF 1.1 million. Like-for-like, property income increased by 6.6%; adjusted for the two special effects mentioned above, like-for-like growth amounted to 3.3%.

There were no purchases or sales of investment or development properties in the 1st quarter. The balance sheet value of the real estate portfolio remained unchanged at around CHF 9.6 billion, while the vacancy rate rose from 3.6 to 4.1% since the end of the year.

Net profit increases by 42%

The operating result (profit excluding gains/losses on real estate investments) increased by 0.6% to CHF 56.6 million. The higher property income mentioned above was offset by higher operating expenses (+0.7 million) and higher financing costs (+4.4 million). However, the cost of debt over the last four quarters was low overall at 0.85%. Net profit, including the valuation result, increased byTP3T 42.01 million to CHF 81.0 million due to the aforementioned revaluation.

EBITDA forecast 5 million higher

Higher property income is expected for the 2024 financial year as a whole. According to PSP, the indexation of rental agreements and rental income linked to turnover will contribute to this. Additional rental income from development projects is also expected. However, lower sales proceeds and higher financial expenses are also expected. PSP is raising its EBITDA forecast slightly: it now expects EBITDA excluding gains/losses on real estate investments of CHF 300 million for the 2024 financial year. The previous forecast was CHF 295 million, while the previous year's figure was CHF 297.7 million. The vacancy rate is expected to be below 4% at the end of 2024. (aw)


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