HRS builds Zurich's police and justice center

HRS Real Estate AG has been selected as general contractor for the Police and Justice Center in Zurich. The investment volume for the new building is CHF 387.8 million.

The new police and justice center (visualization: Hochbauamt Zürich)

The Police and Justice Center (PJZ) is being built on the Güterbahnhof site in Zurich Aussersihl-Hard. In the future, the cantonal police will be brought together there with the law enforcement agencies and the police and justice prison at one location.

According to the government council, the structural engineering department had received three general contractor bids for the major project. The construction sums were between CHF 387.8 million and CHF 398.5 million. In addition to HRS Real Estate, Steiner and Implenia also submitted bids.

HRS had cheapest offer

HSR Real Estate submitted the most favorable bid of CHF 387.8 million for the turnkey construction and operational handover of the PJZ and was thus awarded the contract. With the lump-sum contract, the construction costs for the police and justice center are currently estimated to be 0.2 percent above the object credit approved by the cantonal council in 2012.

With the award of the general contractor services, the construction of the police and justice center will now begin - subject to any appeal proceedings. Building construction work is scheduled to start in May of this year. Occupation is planned for 2020/2021.

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