Zug: Voters back major GIBZ project
The referendum on the development plan, including the spectacular "Pi" timber high-rise, results in a clear "yes".

Voters in Zug have approved a major inner-city project. The GIBZ district development plan was approved with over 70% votes in favor, laying the foundations for a new urban quarter with areas for living, education, work and leisure. The centerpiece is the Pi residential tower block, in which affordable living space is to be created for the people of Zug.
The referendum was necessary because a referendum was held against the unanimous decision of the City Council and the Grand Municipal Council on the development plan. "The GIBZ development plan with the Pi high-rise residential building is a showcase project for sustainable and urban densification," said Eliane Birchmeier, Head of the Building Department, after the result of the vote was announced. A total of 183 apartments are to be built. The majority are intended for families, couples and individuals on lower and middle incomes.
Following the yes vote at the ballot box, the second public display of the development plan will now take place for 20 days. If no appeal is lodged, the development plan will enter into force after approval by the cantonal building department.
- "Immobilienbusiness" recently reported on the project here. (aw)