Basel: Development agreement for the northern tip of Dreispitz

The Christoph Merian Foundation (CMS), the Migros Cooperative Basel and the canton of Basel-Stadt have signed a development agreement for the northern tip of the Dreispitz. A new urban quarter is to be created there.

CMS, Migros and the Canton of Basel-Stadt conclude a development agreement for the Dreispitz North Point site (symbolic image: pressmaster - depositphotos)

The purpose of the agreement is to be able to plan and initiate the next phases and steps of the development with binding content and timing, the three planning partners announced in a joint press release.

The planning perimeter covers the triangle between Dornacherstrasse, Reinacherstrasse and Münchensteinerstrasse. The developments in the residential areas in Gundeldingerquartier, in other parts of Dreispitz and in the Am Walkeweg development area should also be taken into account in the planning.

The three contractual partners would like to develop the Nordspitze as a "focus mixed-use area" with densification in the area of economic activities and with high-quality urban design as an integral district, they say. The potential of Nordspitze is to be exploited "through higher building densities, locally varying types of use, optimal site development, integrated supply options, creation of open space qualities and good public transport, pedestrian and bicycle connections".

CMS strives for "significant densification"

Due to its location in the city, on the edge of the Gundeldinger quarter not far from the SBB railroad station, CMS believes that the northern tip has great development potential. It is therefore of particular economic importance to the foundation and a significant increase in density is therefore a priority planning objective.

The same applies to Migros, as the site of the current MParc Dreispitz is one of its most important points of sale, according to the cooperative. Migros would therefore also like to develop this site for business purposes.

The canton of Basel-Stadt sees the northern tip as an opportunity to create new business and commercial space and thus also new jobs, to create new living space and to provide the Gundeldinger district with open and green spaces.

The first phase of the site development has begun with the urban planning study launched a few weeks ago, the results of which will be available at the end of 2017. In the second phase, a legally binding development plan will be developed. Finally, the third phase will focus on the specific project plans for the individual building plots.

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