Allianz invests in Winterthur residential project "sue&til

On the 17,800 square meter former Sulzer site in the Neuhegi district of Winterthur, Implenia is developing the sustainable residential development "sue&til" in close cooperation with the city. The development comprises 307 apartments as well as public-oriented first floor uses. Allianz Suisse Immobilien AG has acquired 260 rental apartments worth CHF 135 million from the project with a total investment volume of CHF 162 million. This makes it the largest construction project ever realized by Allianz Suisse.


sue&til (Visualisation: Implenia)

The project by the team weberbrunner architekten AG and Soppelsa Architekten GmbH emerged as the winner of a study commission. Construction will begin at the end of 2015, and the first apartments should be ready for occupancy from spring 2018.

The result is a classic perimeter block development with five to six storeys and a spacious inner courtyard. A special feature of the development developed by Implenia is that it will be constructed from the first floor upwards as a timber building - the largest timber construction project in Switzerland to date. The future residential space will be aimed at a broad public, with rents in the medium price range. The project will be built according to the Minergie standard and meets the objectives of the 2,000-watt society (according to SIA Effizienzpfad Energie MB 2040).

"The project convinced us in two respects right from the start: On the one hand, it follows exactly our philosophy of focusing on energy-efficient and future-oriented construction methods in the real estate sector. On the other hand, in view of the rock-bottom interest rate environment, it is also a sustainable investment for us that promises an attractive return," says Martin Kaleja, CEO of Allianz Suisse Immobilien AG. (ah)

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