Award: Digitalstrom wins Internet of Things Award

Smart home provider Digitalstrom has won the Internet of Things Award (IoTA), which was presented in London at the beginning of December. In the "Smart Home Initiative" category, the German-Swiss company placed ahead of finalists Nest and Orange as the winner.

Digitalstrom-CEO Martin Vesper nimmt den Internet of Things Award bei der Preisverleihung in London entgegen.
Digitalstrom CEO Martin Vesper accepts the Internet of Things Award at the award ceremony in London.

Organized by the publisher Total Telecom for the fourth time, the Internet of Things Award honors the world's best products and companies that are driving digital networking and the Internet of Things. The expert jury used criteria such as innovative strength and sustainable marketing success to judge which ideas contribute most clearly to the development of the Internet of Things.

The IoTA is the highest award Digitalstrom has received so far on an international level. Digitalstrom is used to connect devices from different suppliers via the existing power line and open interfaces, such as lights, pushbuttons, blinds, audio systems or kitchen appliances. (ah)

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