Event report Digit!mmo.16: A task for top management

Digitization has been around for a while, but now the topic has fully arrived in the boardrooms. 250 high-ranking participants at Digit!mmo.16 in Rüschlikon show it. Lasting impressions and urgent recommendations from a marathon congress day at the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute.


There have already been a few conferences and congresses in Switzerland on the currently so hyped megatrend of digitization. "But with this density of topics and participants, this is a novelty," says Reiner Gfeller, member of the management of Allianz Suisse Immobilien AG at Digit!mmo.16. It's good to pull together in a concerted effort. The Swiss Circle, together with RESOdatamind and Galledia Verlag, had invited participants - and many of the digital pioneers came.

Right at the entrance, the business theater, which at the moment no congress should be without, pulls in the mobile devices of arriving participants at the entrance dressed as gendarmes for fun. Some can therefore not participate until the first break in the lively accompanying twittering to the congress on Twitter under the hashtag #digitimmo.

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