PSP Swiss Property: CIO Reinsperger leaves the company

The Chief Investment Officer (CIO) of PSP Swiss Property Ltd, Dr. Ludwig Reinsperger, will leave the company at the end of January 2016. The decision was made by mutual agreement, PSP says.

Verlässt PSP Swiss Property: CIO Ludwig Reinsperger (Foto: PSP Swiss Property AG)
Leaving PSP Swiss Property: CIO Ludwig Reinsperger (Photo: PSP Swiss Property Ltd)

Ludwig Reinsperger joined PSP Swiss Property at the beginning of 2002 and became a member of the Executive Board in the function of CIO on 1 January 2006.

PSP Swiss Property intends to inform about Reinsperger's successor as soon as possible. On an interim basis, the duties of the CIO will be divided between Dr. Luciano Gabriel, CEO, and Giacomo Balzarini, CFO. (ah)

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