Hotel Kurpark in Engelberg can be built

Construction of the first five-star hotel in Engelberg will begin in April. The two pending objections raised when the building permit was granted have been withdrawn.

Im Frühjahr entsteht ein neues Fünf-Sterne-Hotel in Engelberg (Foto: Mussklprozz - Lizenziert unter CC BY-SA 3.0 über Wikimedia Commons)
In spring, a new five-star hotel will be built in Engelberg (Photo: Mussklprozz - Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons)

The Chinese investor Yunfeng Gao wants to realize a luxury hotel with more than 100 rooms for CHF 100 million with Eberli Sarnen AG; the plans for the new building come from Hilmer Sattler Architekten. Together with the Hotel Europäischer Hof, which has already existed for 111 years, the new hotel at the Kurpark is to become the flagship of Engelberg's hotel industry. The Europäischer Hof will be remodeled; instead of the existing 95 rooms, the traditional house will in future comprise 51 rooms and suites.

Gao is no stranger to the Swiss hotel market. He acquired the Lucerne luxury hotel "Palace" from CS Real Estate Fund Hospitality at the end of last year. and invested in two new hotels on Melchsee-Frutt. (ah)

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