Due to construction work on company premises: Roche plans parking near the station

The pharmaceutical company Roche wants to build a parking lot with 648 parking spaces at Badischer Bahnhof in Basel. The building will serve as a temporary solution with a useful life of 15 years and will replace some of the parking spaces that will be lost on the company site due to the major construction projects currently underway there.

Roche investiert 3 Milliarden CHF in Neubauten auf dem Basler Konzernareal (Foto: Taxiarchos228, lizenziert als Freie Kunst unter Wikimedia Commons)
Roche invests CHF 3 billion in new buildings on the Basel Group site (Photo: Taxiarchos228, licensed as Free Art under Wikimedia Commons)

Roche is investing around CHF 3 billion in new buildings at its headquarters, including an office tower that will be even taller than the recently completed Building 1.

The 25-metre-high car park is to be built on land owned by Deutsche Bahn AG on Schwarzwaldstrasse south of Bäumlihofstrasse. Construction work is due to start in the spring and will take around a year. The investment volume amounts to CHF ten to twelve million. (ah)

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