Ralph Winter buys back Corestate shares from Intershop

Intershop Holding AG, Zurich, has sold back its stake of approximately 28 percent in Corestate Capital Holding S.A. to its majority shareholder Ralph Winter retroactively as of the beginning of 2016.


"Due to the special quality and exceptional growth opportunities, I have decided to increase my investment in Corestate to over 90 percent of the shares." Ralph Winter, Founder and Senior Advisor Corestate Capital Group

The capital contributed by Intershop in the fall of 2013 has enabled the company to grow substantially and very successfully, Corestate comments on the transaction. Additional funds are needed for the planned further expansion. Since Intershop currently does not want to expand its foreign activities and is critical of a dilution of its share, the Corestate shareholders have mutually agreed on an exit of Intershop.

"Due to the special quality and extraordinary growth opportunities, I have decided to increase my investment in Corestate to over 90 percent of the shares," says Ralph Winter, founder and senior advisor of Corestate Capital Group. He added that it is likely that the Corestate Group will further strengthen its equity base in the medium term and significantly expand its position in Europe as an investor and asset manager.

Only recently, Ralph Winter went public with the news that his family office W5 Group AG had sold its 50 percent stake in the "Lagunas de Mayakoba" project development on the Mexican Caribbean coast. With 23 hectares and an expected turnover of 320 million US dollars, "Lagunas de Mayakoba" is one of the largest development projects in Playa del Carmen. (bw)

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