First woman in the HEV presidency
Member of the Council of States Brigitte Häberli (CVP Thurgau) has been elected as the new Vice President in the Presidency of the Homeowners Association (HEV) Switzerland. She is the first woman to head the association.

In the course of the recently held delegates' meeting and board meeting of HEV Switzerland, the renewal elections of the board as well as the executive committee for the term of office 2016 to 2020 were held. National Councillor Hans Egloff (SVP Zurich) will lead HEV Switzerland for another four years as President of the Association. The committee is now composed of the board members Council of States member Joachim Eder (FDP Zug), former National Council member Esther Egger-Wyss (CVP Aargau) and Andreas Hänggi (HEV Dorneck Thierstein).
Gattiker, Haas, Hilfiker and Straumann new members of the HEV Executive Board
Already on June 24, 2016, at the 101st Assembly of Delegates of HEV Switzerland, the former board members, Jacques Chèvre (Vice President of HEV Switzerland), Elisabeth Simonius (HEV Basel Stadt), Dr. Beat Ries (HEV Aarau & Kulm) and National Councilor Petra Gössi (FDP Zug; Committee HEV Switzerland) were thanked and bid farewell. In their place, Adrian Gattiker (HEV March & Höfe), Dr. Adrian Haas (HEV Bern & Umgebung), Thomas Hilfiker (HEV Aarau & Kulm) and Dominik O. Straumann (HEV Basel-Stadt) were newly elected to the Board of HEV Switzerland.
Representative of the Conference of Secretaries confirmed in office
The existing board members Peter Brand (HEV Fraubrunnen), Council of States Hannes Germann (SVP Schaffhausen, HEV Schaffhausen), Thomas Hess (HEV Kanton Graubünden), former National Councilor Markus Hutter (FDP Zürich, HEV Winterthur), Albert Leiser (HEV Zürich), Markus Meier (HEV Baselland), National Councilor Thomas Müller (SVP St. Gallen, HEV Rorschach), Karl Rigert (Honorary President HEV Kt. Luzern), Ruedi Vonlanthen (HEV Fribourg), as well as Hans Bättig (HEV Kt. Bern) and Martin Meili (HEV Kanton Aargau) as representatives of the Secretary's Conference were confirmed. (mr)