Out for hotel and alpine pool project in Adelboden

The Alpine swimming pool project in Adelboden, last estimated at CHF 140 million, has failed. As reported by various media, the granted building permit has lapsed. The building right goes back to the municipality.

Für das seit Jahren geplante Alpenbad-Grossprojekt in Adelboden ist nun das endgültige Aus gekommen (Bild: Pixabay)
For the large-scale Alpine swimming pool project in Adelboden, which has been planned for years, the final end has now come (Image: Pixabay)

Developer Werner Fehlmann of Innovafina Development AG justifies the failure of the project with the "given framework conditions", among other things he would have had to complete the project in only one stage without possible rescheduling. The wasteland in the center of the village was the site of the Hotel Nevada until a fire in 1996. Initial ideas for a luxury hotel including a spa landscape with the name Alpenbad were first presented to the public by SSG SwissSpaGroup AG in 2006. The plan was for a five-star hotel with 200 beds as well as a thermal spa open to the public and congress rooms.

However, construction never started. At first, investors from the Emirate of Kuwait were supposed to help, later a company called Pearl of Switzerland. Most recently, Innovafina Development AG became involved as the new developer. Since the end of June 2016, the building site has been leveled after the demolition of an old curling hall, an ice rink and an old swimming pool.

The municipality of Adelboden wants to discuss the details of the return of the building lease with Innovafina in August. This should also be about the assumption of the demolition costs, as the municipality writes. " There should now be a building that brings the whole of Adelboden forward," says council president Markus Gempeler. With the realization this counts at the earliest between 2021 and 2026. (mr)

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