CS REIM: Beat Schwab takes over from Timothy Blackwell

Change in leadership at Credit Suisse Real Estate Investment Management: Timothy Blackwell is stepping down as global head of the division, effective immediately. Beat Schwab, previously Head of Real Estate Investment Management Switzerland, will temporarily take over Blackwell's position.

Beat Schwab übernimmt ad interim die Position von Timothy Blackwell (Foto: PD)
Beat Schwab takes over ad interim from Timothy Blackwell (Photo: PD)

Following the appointment of a definitive global head, Beat Schwab will become a professional board member in his own right in spring 2017, Credit Suisse announced. Originally, he wanted to leave Credit Suisse at the end of the year.

Raymond Rüttimann becomes, like REAL ESTATE BUSINESS in September 2016 reportedBeat Schwab's successor as Head of Real Estate Investment Management Switzerland. He will now assume this function not as planned in January 2017, but already as of October 24, 2016.

Martin Munz will become Head of Construction & Development Switzerland as of October 24, 2016, succeeding Raymond Rüttimann. (ah)

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