Solar Prize for Riverside Zuchwil

The Swiss Prime Investment Foundation has received the Solar Agency's 2016 Solar Prize in the Energy Systems/Photovoltaics category for its photovoltaic system on the Riverside site in Zuchwil.

Die SPA gewinnt den Solarpreis 2016 für die Anlage auf dem Riverside-Areal in Zuchwil. Im Bild: Die Jury des Solarpreises und Vertreter der am Bau beteiligten Unternehmen. (Foto: Hervé Le Cunff/ solar Agentur)
The SPA wins the Solar Prize 2016 for the plant on the Riverside site in Zuchwil. Pictured: The Solar Prize jury and representatives of the companies involved in the construction. (Photo: Hervé Le Cunff/ solar Agentur)

The 5.7 megawatt photovoltaic system on the 50-year-old industrial hall in Zuchwil (SO) is unique in terms of size, construction and integration on the hall roof: it was mounted four meters above the existing hall roof with its skylights. For this purpose, the roof had to be penetrated 1,100 times and 500 girders added to the hall. The elements, measuring 12 by 12 meters and equipped and wired with the solar modules, were pre-assembled on site on two production lines and then lifted onto the roof using pneumatic cranes and helicopters. The 22,000 photovoltaic modules cover an area of approximately 40,000 square meters. During the construction work, the hall could be fully used.

"This pioneering solar project sets an example in the sustainability strategy of the Swiss Prime Investment Foundation," says Thomas Grossenbacher, Chief Investment Officer, who accepted the 2016 Solar Prize. The prize was presented by St. Gallen City Councillor Peter Jans on the occasion of the OLMA.

The former Sulzer industrial site in Zuchwil has changed hands twice since 2007. At the end of 2012, the site was acquired by Swiss Prime Site and transferred to the newly established Swiss Prime Investment Foundation in 2015. The foundation intends to develop the site into a new quarter according to the plans of Kees Christiaanse's architectural firm KCAP. The first phase of construction is expected to begin in spring 2018 in the western part of the site, which is located directly on the Aare River and closest to downtown Solothurn. Rental apartments and condominiums are planned. New jobs are also to be created on the Riverside site. Swiss Prime Investment Foundation is currently renovating the existing industrial buildings for commercial and office tenants where necessary. (ah)

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