71st Swiss Real Estate Talk: The speakers are known!
On April 24, 2018, the 71st Swiss Real Estate Talk will take place at the Metropol Restaurant. The speakers are now known.
On April 24, 2018, the 71st Swiss Real Estate Ticket will take place at the Metropol Restaurant in Zurich on the 'Topic Revolution in Real Estate Finance? Prof. Dr. Andreas Dietrich, Head of the MSc Banking and Finance program at the Institute of Financial Services IFZ in Zug, Prof. Dr. Thomas Ankenbrand, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, and Sebastian Angst, CEO of Pro Ressource AG, have been engaged as speakers. Dr. Christian Kraft from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts will lead the evening.
The experts will answer the following questions in their presentations and in the panel discussion that will follow:
- What new offerings to watch.
- How the various players position themselves.
- What importance crowdfunding has taken.
- How mediation platforms work and how important they are.
- What this could mean for banks' future mortgage business.
- How the market for real estate financing could develop.
Afterwards, an aperitif riche will be served and there will be an opportunity for networking and knowledge sharing with the speakers and participants.
The event series Swiss Real Estate Talks offers interested participants a platform dedicated to current, specifically selected topics from the real estate industry. The Real Estate Talks take place four to six times a year. Specialists give lectures, discuss on the podium and answer questions about the topic under discussion. The event series is organized by IMMOBILIEN Business.