72nd Swiss Real Estate Conference - The speakers are known

On June 19, the 72nd Swiss Real Estate Talk will take place at the Metropol Restaurant in Zurich on the topic of 'Late-Cycle Investments in Germany?'

Late-Cycle Investments
Joachim Schütz, Swiss Finance & Property, Lahcen Knapp, Empira AG and Martin Eberhardt, CORPUS SIREO Real Estate speak at the 72nd Swiss Real Estate Meeting

On June 19, 2018, the 72nd Swiss Real Estate Talk will take place at the Metropol Restaurant in Zurich. This time on the topical subject of 'Late-Cycle Investments in Germany?

Interest in German real estate has been very high in recent years. Many investors agree that we are now late in the cycle, however, and prices have risen sharply. What is the right positioning in the current high-priced real estate market in Germany?

We are pleased to welcome the top-class speakers Joachim Schütz, Swiss Finance & Property, Lahcen Knapp, Empira AG and Martin Eberhardt, CORPUS SIREO Real Estate on the stage of the Metropol.

The experts will answer the following questions, among others:
- What return expectations are realistic in Germany in the current environment?
- How should investors behave in the late cycle in Germany?
- Where are the opportunities in the current market environment?

The event will be moderated by Prof. Dr. John Davidson.

Secure your place today at this high-profile event and take the opportunity to network with the speakers and guests at the aperitif.

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