Basel: Next step for the Volta Nord site

The development of the Volta Nord site in the north of Basel has reached another milestone. The second-stage development plan is open to the public, and several project competitions are to start this year.

The VoltaNord site is to be built over (Image: PD)

According to plans by the city of Basel, the Volta Nord site, also known as the Lysbüchel site, is to become a mixed and lively district with generous perimeter block developments that extend the existing St. Johann residential district to the north. In total, space is to be created for 2,000 to 2,500 workplaces as well as housing for around 1,500 to 2,000 people, at least two-thirds of which will be affordable. Construction of the new buildings and allotment areas is scheduled to start in 2024.

After a winning project of the urban planning study contract was selected last yearThe new second-stage development plan now substantiates the first development plan, which was already approved by the Basel electorate in 2019. It will be open to the public until April 13.

In addition to the second-stage development plan, further planning steps are planned for 2021, according to the city of Basel. For example, the future building lease plots on construction sites 2 (landowner SBB) and 4 (landowner Einwohnergemeinde der Stadt Basel) are to be put out to tender. Cooperatives are to build a total of around 280 affordable apartments here. A project competition is planned for a new building on site 5. The project is an own investment of the municipality; approx. 120 low-priced apartments are planned.

In addition, two project competitions and the start of the preliminary project are to be held on the SBB construction site 2, where three new buildings are planned. The first interim uses are also to take place on this construction site this year.

Furthermore, there will be a competition for the new "Saint-Louis-Park" at the Gleisfeld and finally, the first residential buildings on the plot of the Habitat Foundation ("Lysbüchel South") will be occupied. Last fall, the Lysbüchel primary school building and the ELYS culture and trade center were already opened. (ah)

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