Zurich traffic department moves to Dübendorf

The Zurich Traffic Department (VAZ) of the cantonal police moved into a new domicile on July 1, 2015. The approximately 100 traffic specialists can now be found in the Stettbacherhof in Dübendorf, according to the "Limmattaler Zeitung".

The Stettbacherhof is a property of the Ecoreal Investment Foundation and is managed by ECO4.

VAZ was previously located in seven different properties in the vicinity of the old barracks not far from Zurich's main train station. In its new home, the department has three office floors and part of the underground parking garage to park its 40 vehicles, five motorcycles and various mobile operational equipment (speed measurement equipment, etc.).

VAZ's previous tenants in the large commercial property in Dübendorf were parts of the ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences. (mr)

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