Cham: Green light for development of the Papieri site

On September 25, the voters of Cham set the course for the redevelopment of the site of the former paper mill. A mixed residential and working quarter is to be created on the Papieri site.

Die Papierfabrik der Cham Paper Group (Foto: Roland Zumbuehl, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons)
The Cham Paper Group paper mill (Photo: Roland Zumbuehl, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons)

In concrete terms, the voters approved both the partial amendment of the building regulations and the zoning plan as well as the development plan with environmental impact report. On the former industrial site of Cham Paper Group Schweiz AG, office and commercial space for 900 to 1,250 jobs and 900 to 1,200 apartments, including 100 affordable apartments, are to be built in stages over a period of at least 15 years. Historically valuable buildings are to be preserved.

In order for the development plan and the rezoning to become legally binding, the government council must still give its approval. (ah)

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