Lucerne: City centre remains the focus of urban planners

The Lucerne City Council is adhering to the objectives of overall planning, the strategic management tool of urban planning. Among other things, it is planned to expand the supply of office and service space as well as apartments in central locations.

Die Luzerner Stadtplaner wollen die Attraktivität der Innenstadt steigern (Foto: Horst Michael Lechner - Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons)
Lucerne's city planners want to increase the attractiveness of the city center (Photo: Horst Michael Lechner - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons)

As part of the revision of the overall planning 2015-2019, the Lucerne City Council has already redefined the strategic direction of urban development with the vision, the guiding principles and the impact targets. Because the strategy of urban development is only to be reviewed every four years at the beginning of a new legislative period, only adjustments to the five-year goals and financial planning were made for the overall planning 2017-2021, the city council writes in a statement.

For the overall planning 2017-2021, the vision "Lucerne - departure from the center" and the guiding principles for the three sustainability dimensions and the urban resources are still valid. The four priority fields of action - transport, housing, economy and finance - have also been adopted unchanged, the report continues.

More offices and apartments

In the area of housing, the City Council has formulated as a goal that a balanced supply of housing be available in the city for all population groups and that at least 600 new nonprofit apartments be realized or under construction by the end of 2020.

In addition, the city should quickly have additional service and work space in a central location. Thus, in cooperation with SBB, the "Rösslimatt" project is being driven forward as a top priority. This will provide additional gross floor space of around 15,000 to 20,000 square meters in a central location by 2018. Furthermore, the planning phase for the key urban sites has been completed.

Alternatives for failed theater project

The city's major strategic projects include the school space offensive in the Littau district, the New Theater Lucerne and the cross-directorate "Forum Attraktive Innenstadt".

Following the parliamentary decisions in September 2016, the "New Theater Lucerne" project will not be pursued further. The City Council is in favor of ensuring an attractive future in Lucerne for the Lucerne Theater and the other institutions involved in the "Theater Werk Luzern", such as the Lucerne Festival, the independent theater and dance scene, the Lucerne Symphony Orchestra and Südpol. The process of renewing the theater and the cooperation between the various cultural groups should be continued. (ah)

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