Zurich: KPMG to move to Binz in 2019

KPMG's headquarters at Badenerstrasse 170/172 in Zurich will undergo a complete renovation by 2021. From spring 2019, the internationally active consulting firm will therefore move into an interim domicile in the Binz district.

The future Zurich office building on Badenerstrasse with passarelle over Feldstrasse (visualisation: KPMG/Swiss Life)

Built in the rather sober concrete style of the 1980s, the double building with the striking passarelle in district 4 will have a completely new exterior architecture in the future. It will also be brought up to modern energy standards, equipped with energy-saving materials and in future will also have its own solar collectors.

"The converted building also provides space for the further corporate growth we are aiming for. We currently offer around 1,200 jobs in the city of Zurich," says Stefan Pfister, CEO of KPMG Switzerland.

During the two-year conversion phase, between spring 2019 and spring 2021, the KPMG consultants will move into interim premises in the Binz Quarter in the Tic Tric Trac office building on Räffelstrasse. The company has leased around 18,600 sqm there. Both buildings, Tic Tric Trac and the current and future KPMG headquarters on Badenerstrasse, are owned by Swiss Life.

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