Intercity Group: Robert Hauri becomes new CEO
Robert Hauri will become CEO of the Intercity Group from next year. Herbert Wüst is stepping down as Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Robert Hauri, a real estate trustee, CUREM graduate and Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (FRICS), has been with the Intercity Group for over ten years. He was initially Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of SPGI Zurich AG, a group company specialising in commercial property advisory, and became its co-owner in 2016. Hauri will remain Co-Owner and CEO of SPGI Zurich AG, and will also assume the position of Group CEO of the Intercity Group as of 1 January 2022.
Herbert Wüst, former Group CEO and majority shareholder of the family-run Intercity Group, will retire as "Active Chairman" to the chairmanship of the Board of Directors of Intercity Group Holding AG. The assumption of overall responsibility for the Group by Robert Hauri is also a logical step in terms of a succession plan, says Wüst.
The Group Executive Board of Intercity Group Holding AG will thus in future consist of Robert Hauri (Chairman and CEO SPGI Zurich AG), Mariana Schwager (CEO Intercity Vermarktung AG), Michael Wildhaber (CEO Intercity Bewirtschaftung AG) and Cornelia Hürlimann (CFO). The Board of Directors of Intercity Group Holding AG is now chaired by Herbert Wüst; other members are Markus Wüst, Annelies Wüst, Toni Bächler, Beat Meister and Pascal Vaucher. (ah)