SPGI Zurich: Martin Greiner appointed Deputy CEO
Dr. Martin Greiner, Head of Investment Advisory at SPGI Zurich, will also assume the role of Deputy CEO at the real estate service provider as of the new year.

In his additional role, Dr. Martin Greiner will support CEO and co-owner Robert Hauri in overarching tasks, SPGI Zurich announces. Hauri has been appointed as the new CEO of Intercity Group effective January 2022. Greiner says he looks forward to relieving Robert Hauri in his future dual role.
As of 1 January 2022, the Executive Board of SPGI Zurich AG will thus consist of Robert Hauri (CEO/co-owner), Martin Greiner (Head Investment Advisory and Deputy CEO), Gabriela Brandenberg (Head Office and Retail) and Natalia Ignatova (Head Tenant Representation). (ah)
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