Allreal: CEO Roger Herzog resigns

After almost 20 years at Allreal, Roger Herzog has announced his retirement. He will relinquish his position as CEO in spring 2023.

Roger Herzog (Image: Allreal)

Herzog has been at the helm of the company since 2015. Under his aegis, the business model with the two business units Real Estate and General Contracting was further developed and the real estate portfolio expanded. "Until his departure in spring 2023, Roger Herzog will continue to perform his duties as CEO unchanged and ensure an orderly handover to his successor," the company wrote in an ad hoc release. The Board of Directors of Allreal Holding AG regrets Roger Herzog's decision and thanks him "sincerely for his dedicated and valuable work and wishes him continued success in the future." A search for a successor is still underway.

Allreal's real estate portfolio amounts to over CHF 5.1 billion, and its project volume as a general contractor was CHF 343 million last year. The real estate company employs more than 250 people in Zurich, Basel, Berne and Geneva. (aw)

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