Pom+ appoints Johannes Gantner to the management board
The real estate consulting company Pom+ Consulting expands its management. Since the beginning of the year Johannes Gantner is partner and member of the management.

In his previous role as Head of Service Unit Sustainability, Gantner has been responsible for the sustainability consulting offering since 2019. "Increasingly stringent regulations and societal changes are challenging the real estate sector to establish innovative solutions and approaches that help reduce its environmental footprint in a financially profitable way," says Managing Partner Giuseppe Bilotta. With Gantner's appointment, the issue will now also be anchored in the strategic management of the company.
Gantner joined Pom+ in 2018 and took over the leadership of the sustainability team less than a year after joining. After studying architecture, he completed a Master of Science in sustainable energy management and energy technology at the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, followed by a PhD in construction and environmental sciences at the University of Stuttgart.
Pom+ provides services for real estate, infrastructure, companies and organizations in the areas of construction, facility, property, portfolio and asset management. Over 100 people work for the company. (aw)