SEG Solutions: Two resignations from the Board of Directors

Changes have taken place on the board of directors of SEG Solutions AG, a Procimmo spin-off since 2019. Yves Jeanrenaud (vice chairman) and Dan Amar (member) have resigned, according to Procimmo.

At SEG Solutions, two positions on the board of directors will be filled (Image: Depositphotos)

Terence Kast (Vice President) and Besnik Bytyqi (Member) have been appointed as successors for the two who have resigned.

Procimmo explains the resignations with the reorganization of the company. It has transferred the entire Letting department to Procimmo SA at the end of December 2022. SEG Solutions will henceforth focus on real estate transactions in favor of the investment vehicles managed by Procimmo SA.

The Chairman of the three-member Board of Directors is Arno Kneubühler. (aw)


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